Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Thinking About

...Le Smoking. Not sure why. I think it's because
I have been trying to think about what to get
the classy gentle(wo)man in my life for Christmas.

I've always thought of these images as part of a narrative.
Not sure which comes first.

I guess the one with two figures seems like the first to me.
A little bit lonely...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I cannot get over how much I love this photograph of Dana Perino with her new black eye. Obviously, DP is a beautiful woman, but she always looks so plastic-y. I think the wind and the bruise suit her. She looks much more natural. Not that I advocate bruising as aesthetic enhancement in general. But here, it is really working for me.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Watching this video made me think of how far we have come from the obsession with machines of the mid-20th century. The avant-garde used to see the machine as a beautiful alternative to the messy, flawed, and often sinister work of human beings, but now machinery has come to seem almost sinister itself. The "handmade" is such a fetish object now, and handmade has a very particular aesthetic meaning: raw, imprecise, unique. But I think we forget that there is a range of machines, many very simple and requiring human oversight or operation. And even the most complex machine is still the product of the human mind and hand. I feel a little nostalgic for that Modern appreciation of the machine. There is a sort of rhythm and purity to machine-produced items, and a repudiation of our fixation on individuality, that I still find very appealing.

(via AT)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Who Wants to Buy Me a $4,000 Christmas Present?

I am a little bit obsessed with this print by Bryan Nash Gill

It's "39 by "52, so it is actually tree-sized. You can get it from Ashes and Milk. And then you can give it to me.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Nick & PJ

They don't make 'em like they used to.