Thursday, November 20, 2008

Comics Day

Emily posted a comic. I'm going to too.

Kate Beaton does a series of "History Comics" that I like. Emily M. and I were just talking about the Battle of Hastings, so I thought I'd put that one up.

Why is the date of the Battle of Hastings so easy to remember (1066! 1066!)? It just is...


Anonymous said...

I love Kate Beaton!!!!!

Also, I would like a transcript/reenactment of your Battle of Hastings convo. Please.

alex said...

Maybe I shouldn't reveal this, but the date of the battle is the code to access the rock camp office. So EM asked what the date was, and I was like, "I definitely know that. Why do I know that?"

I think it's in part because of the fact that it was at the English literature timeline that hung in our bathroom while I studied for my GREs.