Kate Beaton does a series of "History Comics" that I like. Emily M. and I were just talking about the Battle of Hastings, so I thought I'd put that one up.
Why is the date of the Battle of Hastings so easy to remember (1066! 1066!)? It just is...
Why is the date of the Battle of Hastings so easy to remember (1066! 1066!)? It just is...
I love Kate Beaton!!!!!
Also, I would like a transcript/reenactment of your Battle of Hastings convo. Please.
Maybe I shouldn't reveal this, but the date of the battle is the code to access the rock camp office. So EM asked what the date was, and I was like, "I definitely know that. Why do I know that?"
I think it's in part because of the fact that it was at the English literature timeline that hung in our bathroom while I studied for my GREs.
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